About me
It’s strange to write about yourself, but let me say this: I’ve been playing piano for a long time and just love it! on top of that I’ve discovered a real passion for synthesizers/electronic devices and graduated my bachelor’s degree in jazz piano. Today, I am very passionate about working as a freelancer in music business. Most of the time I work in a live and studio context, constantly celebrating music with bands like Daensn, Evîn and Ansa Sauermann, with whom I can best express my strongest musical influences like hip hop, pop, soul, RNB and jazz. I have also collaborated with many other artists from the german music scene: Montez, Anna Grey, Bruckner, Noah Slee, Roger Reckless, Anna Mateur, Kwam.E, Aisha Vibes, Retrogott, MCRene, Antifuchs, Keno, Galv, Nepumuk, DJ Jenny Sharp, DJ Access, Rote Mütze Raphi, Whitey en Vogue, Curlyman etc.
i’ve had a lot of support from friends, family and other artists who have helped me in so many way’s. Thanks to that! <3